Finding calm upside down

Starting a new business, pandemic, holidays, never-ending politics, and more. These all have caused my anxiety to be as high as it has ever been. That feeling like an elephant is standing on your chest kinda thing. This total dread and wanting to climb into a hole and just pretend that the world doesn’t exist.  While boundaries and limits are a good thing, disappearing from society is not. The world does not go away, the terrible things keep happening, so that means I need to change something in me so I can face the world with strength and confidence.  

For me this is the time I spend in the air, dangling around on a piece of fabric.  When I’m up there I can’t think about all the other things in the world. I need to focus on right here, right now. I need to focus on how my left arm is reaching behind my right knee to right myself and bring my feet down to the ground. I need to focus on my glutes engaging to support my back and keep me safe. This time, even if it’s just an hour a week, clears my head, strengthens my body, and energizes my soul. Aerial fitness is more than a workout, it’s my escape so that I can come back and be the best wife, mom, daughter, coach, friend I can be.  

Not only finding this time for myself but sharing this experience with others has become my purpose. I want other women with spouses, kids, careers, aging parents, friends, and endless responsibilities, to have this time to strengthen their bodies, minds, and spirit so they too can be their best selves.



